Dog trainers are ready to help you train your dog into an obedient and well-behaved pet. They can help with inducting basic obedience into your dog and help them deal with aggression and destructive tendencies. Some dogs may also be responsible for training and preparing emotional support or therapy dogs, as well as working dogs for the police.

Responsibilities of a Dog Trainer

The responsibilities of a dog trainer can vary depending on their specific role, however, some most common duties include: 

  • Assessing a Dog: This can include assessing the dog’s behaviour, temperament, and training needs. 
  • Developing a Training Plan: Based on their assessment, a dog trainer will create and tailor a specific training plan for the needs of the dog and its owner. This will outline goals, methods, and techniques to achieve results. 
  • Teaching Basic Obedience: Dog trainers will teach basic obedience commands such as sit, stay, come, down, and heel. 
  • Addressing Any Behaviour Issues: Dog trainers will address any behaviour issues such as aggression, fear, anxiety, excessive barking or pulling on the lead. 
  • Educating Dog Owners: Dog trainers will provide guidance on how to encourage good dog behaviour and responsible pet ownership.

Types of Dog Trainers

There can be different types of dog trainers who specialise in a certain area of expertise. These include: 

  • Protection Dog Trainer – Will specialise in teaching dogs to protect their owners from threats, such as home invasion, robbery, or assault. 
  • Obedience Trainer – Will focus on teaching dogs basic obedience commands and work with owners to establish a foundation of good behaviour and communication with their dog. 
  • Behaviourist – Will specialise in addressing and modifying unwanted behaviours in dogs, such as aggression. 
  • Emotional Support or Therapy Dog Trainer – Will focus on enhancing specialised skills and behaviours which are tailored to the specific needs of the handler. 
  • Working Dog Trainer: Will focus on developing a dog’s skills in scent detection, tracking and finding missing persons if required. 
  • Puppy Trainer – Will specialise in early socialisation and basic training for young puppies.

What a Dog Trainer Needs From You, As an Owner

There are many things your dog trainers need you to do, as an owner, to get the most out of your dog training. Here are some important things that your dog trainer needs you to do.

Ask for Help when Necessary

Many dog owners tend to blame themselves when their pets start misbehaving. To make up for the guilt, they either force-train or indulge the dog in an attempt to improve their behaviour. Unfortunately, this often doesn’t work.

It is normal to make mistakes when training your dogs, so don’t worry. However, if you think your dog is having behavioural issues, get in touch with our professional dog trainers at A&T Trained Dogs.

Understand Your Pet’s Body Language

Your dog is always telling you something through their body language, and you can learn a lot about what is happening to them by paying attention to it.

The way they move, the tone and frequency of their barks, and the position of their tail and ears all say a lot about what is happening to your dog. Dog trainers want you to learn your dog’s body language and how they communicate as this will make a significant difference in the welfare, behaviour, and relationship of your dog.

Use Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement and steady commands are better than a shock collar. If you use mechanics that depend on fear, pain, or discomfort to improve your dog’s behaviour, it will only lead to aggression and fear in the long run.

So, instead of using force training, use positive reinforcement, such as rewards to train your dogs. Use play and food as reward mechanisms for good behaviour, and you will see improvement in your dog’s character with time.

Trust Us! 

At A&T Trained Dogs, our dog trainers are all certified and have quality experience in dealing with all kind of dogs. Trust us to help you out if you are struggling by booking a dog training course – we have plenty to choose from!