Having a dog that doesn’t shed their fur can be one of the deciding factors in whether you choose a certain breed to welcome into your home. All dogs shed to some degree, you cannot escape this, however, some breeds are more low maintenance than others. See our guide to dog breeds that don’t shed (as much) and grooming tips. 

Why Do Dogs Shed? 

Dog shedding is a part of the natural hair lifecycle and is completely normal, even for those breeds who don’t have an excess amount (or are hairless). Often seasonality comes into play for dog shedding, with internal and external factors that can have an effect. These include temperature, sunlight exposure, lifestyle, diet, stress and medical conditions which can make a dog shed more or less.  

Even dogs who have little shedding will still experience more or less excess hair in certain seasons or depending on their health factors. 

Why Choose A Dog That Doesn’t Shed? 

There are multiple benefits to having a dog that doesn’t shed, including: 

  • Better for allergies (not all breeds are hypoallergenic breeds)
  • Less grooming 
  • Low maintenance around the house (less clean-up) 
  • Choose from a range of breeds and sizes of dogs 

These are great benefits overall, but you will still need to check the grooming regimes for each breed. If they don’t shed as much, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they require little to no maintenance. 

Often, you will need to brush or maintain the fur regularly to remove old hair and promote the growth of a new, shiny and healthy coat. 

Are Dogs That Don’t Shed Hypoallergenic? 

Dogs that shed less are not necessarily hypoallergenic. Whilst shedding less fur can have fewer irritants to those with allergies, it is not the fur itself that sets off a reaction. Dander is the irritant and is a collective of tiny skin cells that a dog sheds, so the correlation with fur shedding is higher as the dog will more likely have more of these microscopic skins cells the more the fur comes off. It is also however found in salvia, urine and sweat, so it is not just the fur that is a factor into being a hypoallergenic breed. 

Dog Breeds That Don’t Shed 

So, if you are looking for a minimal shedding dog breed, there are a few to choose from and of all sizes. It is important to do additional research into the breed to see if you’re purchasing for the right reason. Remember, minimal shedding doesn’t always mean low maintenance! 

Small Dogs 

  • Bedlington Terrier
  • Bichon Frisé
  • Border Terrier
  • Chihuahua
  • Daschund
  • Maltese
  • Miniature Schnauzer 
  • Scottish Terrier
  • Shih Tzu
  • Yorkshire Terrier

Large Dogs 

  • Afghan Hound
  • Belgian Shepherd 
  • Giant Schnauzers 
  • Greyhound 
  • Irish Water Spaniel 
  • Labradoodle
  • Poodle 

Tips To Groom A Non-Shedding Dog 

Dogs breeds that shed less will still need grooming (some more than others). While some breeds are more low maintenance, you still need a good grooming routine as they tend to have more wavy coats and tangle frequently. This can be an uncomfortable feeling to have small or large knots in the fur coat, particularly if they get caught as your dog explores the world around them. 

Check Your Dog Regularly 

You should be checking your dog’s coat almost daily to see if they have any new knots in their fur. By catching them early, it is easier to brush them out with minimal discomfort and ensure it doesn’t become a larger problem further down the line. 

Research/ Ask The Seller 

Before purchasing a dog, you should ensure that the seller is trusted and has maintained a grooming schedule. You can then ask questions about frequent patterns, what they have done previously and what the current schedule is. This way, you can get prior knowledge to upkeep the routine or find out what works best for the dog! If you are buying a puppy, however, unless the seller knows a lot about the breed, this might be difficult. You can do additional research beforehand on how much is going to be required. 

Professional Grooming 

Dog grooming is often a personal choice, and there can be great benefits to getting a professional groomer to do interim maintenance on your dog’s coat. If you’re short on time, if you want expert guidance or simply improve dog socialisation with professionals, there are many benefits to hiring a dog groomer, and you can choose a frequency that suits your budget and lifestyle. 

Brush Frequently (In Sections)

As dogs that don’t shed as frequently typically have wavy coats, brushing regularly is a must. Split the fur into sections, invest in a good brush and use a detangler! This will cause minimal discomfort for your dog, and you will ensure you get to every part effectively. 

A&T Trained Dogs For Sale 

If you’re looking for a fully trained dog or different dogs for sale, here at A&T Trained Dogs, we hand-select dogs and conduct thorough checks so you get the best buying service. We have specialist dog handlers and large indoor and outdoor facilities, so you know they are in great care throughout their time with us. If you would like further information, please get in touch with our team, who will answer any questions you have.