A family dog is an incredibly exciting addition that can brighten up your family for years to come. For this reason, you may be struggling to choose your new furry friend. The best dog breed for your family depends upon the purpose that you need them for. Whether it’s family protection, welcoming a fully trained dog or a new puppy into your home, we are here to help. We have compiled 15 of the most family-friendly breeds to help you find a dog to suit your needs!

What Dogs Are Good With Kids?

Dogs that are good with children are those with a friendly, outgoing and playful nature. They should also have an easy-going temperament. Examples of dogs that live well alongside children include Labradors, golden retrievers, beagles, collies, poodles, boxers, cavalier King Charles spaniels, Newfoundlands, Shetland Sheepdogs and Bulldogs.

Ultimately, it is vital that you spend some time with the dog of your choice before you welcome them home. This will help you to figure out if the dog’s personality and energy levels are the right fit for your family. Early socialisation, alongside obedience training, can also help ensure a well-behaved, child-friendly pooch.

Additionally, you should always supervise interactions between small children and dogs.

What Is The Best Dog For An Active Family?

High-energy breeds that need a lot of exercise are perfect for an active family. These include Labradors, Dobermanns, German Shepherds and Beagles. These dogs are likely to enjoy joining your family in both indoor and outdoor activities and play.

What Is The Best Family Indoor Dog?

Whilst all dogs should have daily walks in the outdoors, there are breeds that are more adaptable to different home settings. These include Beagles and Cavalier King Charles Spaniels.

Ultimately, the amount of space and exercise your dog needs will vary between breeds and even on a dog-by-dog basis. It is important to do research on your breed of choice before welcoming them into your home. This will help you assess if the dog is the right fit for your home and household.

What Is The Best Family Dog?

1. Labrador Retriever

One of the easiest dogs to train, Labradors are incredibly friendly and affectionate. They are also incredibly obedient and fast learners. This makes them ideal for a family pet. However, it is important to keep in mind that they need over two hours a day of exercise. This means that they are better suited to a more active family.

2. Dobermann

Dobermanns are highly loyal and intelligent, and they love social interaction. This makes them a great companion for children and adults alike.

However, like Labradors, they require a minimum of 2 hours a day of exercise, making them more suited to more active families.

3. Golden Retriever

Golden Retrievers are a breed well-known for being a family dog. They are intelligent and gentle, as well as greatly enjoying training. However, much like the dogs mentioned above, they have high energy levels. This means that they need plenty of opportunities to exercise. Similarly, if they are left alone, make sure you leave them something to chew.

4. Beagles

Beagles are friendly and sociable; they ordinarily get along well with other pets, children and adults. They are also eager to learn, affectionate and intelligent. This makes them a great option for a family companion. Additionally, they are medium-sized, so are suitable for a wider variety of living spaces.

However, they will still need a daily walk and plenty of playtime to help with their energy levels!

5. German Shepherd

German Shepherds are known for their loyalty, making them a devoted companion. They are also protective, yet can be gentle, and are incredibly susceptible to training. This means that they are an excellent option for family protection dogs.

Although, it is important to make sure they get plenty of exercise and playtime. For this reason, a German Shepherd would be an ideal choice for an active family.

6. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

As a breed, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels have an affectionate, gentle nature. Often, they are easy to please and friendly, making them ideal for families. They are also patient and love the company of people, making them great with children. Like beagles, they are fairly adaptable to a variety of living conditions. They also do not have incredibly high energy levels. However, it is still important that they get plenty of exercise.

7. Poodle

Poodles are very obedient and intelligent, helping them to learn tricks quickly. This makes them a great option for a family. Additionally, they are known to be social and good with children, due to their gentle and playful nature. They are also active, making them likely to keep up with (and help occupy) eager children!

8. Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Whilst they are not widely known for these characteristics, Staffordshire Bull Terriers (Staffies) are friendly and affectionate. This means they are likely to form strong bonds with family members. When properly trained, they can be good with children, and their loyal nature makes them very devoted playmates.

It is important to note that they need regular exercise. However, this makes them ideal for active families. What’s more, their robust stature means they are well-suited for playing with children!

9. Bichon Frisé

Bichon Frises are playful and energetic, making them ideal for playing with children or family activities. Similarly, they are intelligent and eager to please, making them very willing to be trained. Their social and friendly nature means that they are sure to fit into your family with ease!

10. Shih Tzu

As they are known for being friendly and affectionate, Shih Tzus can be a great addition to any family. Additionally, they are even known for their patience, making them ideal companions for your children.

They also do not have as high exercise needs as other breeds, so they do not need as extensive a walk. Although, you should of course still make sure they get daily exercise.

11. Boxer

Another choice you may not have considered – boxers are friendly, playful, and affectionate by nature. They also generally respond well to training, as well as being instinctively loyal and protective. Whilst their playful demeanour is great for active families, you should make sure they are regularly walked to burn off their high energy.

12. Newfoundland

Despite their size, Newfoundlands are known for their gentle, calm character, as well as being patient and good-natured. Additionally, they are considered loyal and affectionate, often forming strong bonds with their owners. Their patience makes them great for children who may not necessarily know how to properly interact with a pet yet.

They also do not have incredibly high exercise requirements compared to other larger breeds. This means that they are satisfied with regular walks and playtime.

14. Collie

Collies are considered a good family pet because of their kind, gentle nature. They are also tolerant, making them ideal for regular interactions with children. Additionally, they are loyal and eager to please, as well as being able to learn commands quickly.

They are very playful and energetic, making them the perfect fit for active families and children.

15. Cocker Spaniel

Cocker Spaniels are friendly, affectionate, playful, and patient. This makes them a great fit for children and families that like to be active, as they like getting involved. Additionally, they respond well to positive reinforcement training, and they are very intelligent.

Ultimately, whatever your needs, we have the perfect breed for you. Shop our dogs for sale, trained for every situation and household need. We even offer a range of training programmes and socialisation classes to help mould your pet into the perfect fit for your family!